How to find older articles in Seeking Alpha?

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Now I have difficulty to read older articles in Seeking Alpha. For example: after I typed GEO in search by symbol box, it goes to GEO quote page. But it only shows the articles back to Sept 16. Articles published before that date do appear the the Latest page.

Any one knows how to do it?


Lejun James Shao

sorry "Articles published before that date do appear the the Latest page." should be "Articles published before that date do not appear in the Latest page."

  • Started


We are actually working on this as we speak. For the time being, you can click on "Analysis" and then scroll down and older articles will auto-load as you scroll.

Quote from anonymous


We are actually working on this as we speak. For the time being, you can click on "Analysis" and then scroll down and older articles will auto-load as you scroll.

A day or two ago there was an article about a recent article in Barrons about higher yielding situations. One items mentioned was a Neuveen Fund. I can't find it now under "notifications " were it appeared. can you help me. Thanks.

Lejun James Shao
Quote from anonymous


We are actually working on this as we speak. For the time being, you can click on "Analysis" and then scroll down and older articles will auto-load as you scroll.

Hi, Daniel:

Thanks for your reply. Yes it works and I can find the old articles there.

Actually, if in "Latest" page to add one button "-> more" at the bottom of the page and then load the "Analysis" page, that will solve the problem. Few minutes of works.