Seeking Alpha ads

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Do you people not have anything better to do than fill space with your OBNOXIOUS "SPECIAL OFFERS?"  I can't think of a better way to turn off people who use this site.  JFC, are you people THAT stupid?  Do you think I really want to frequent a site that with every click  fills 40% of the screen with your LAME sales pitch???  DO BETTER!!!

Sridhar Krishnan
  • Awaiting Customer Reply

Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback.

I have noted this feedback and will make sure to pass it along to our Product team and developers for further review and consideration.

Your support is much appreciated :)

If you need any more help, please do not hesitate to contact support. We'd be happy to help you with further clarifications.




Sridhar Krishnan | Customer Support | Seeking Alpha α

Support: +1-347-509-6837
Learn more and find answers in our Knowledge Base


Sridhar Krishnan


Thanks for your patience.

We received confirmation from the tech team that the banners can now be dismissed/closed. Kindly log out and log in once, wait for the banner to appear, and then click on the "x" to close the banner.

When you reached the free limit, the banner will be fixed since there limit is reached, and you can "swipe to go back" or click on the Menu (3-line hamburger) icon to go to the homepage.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to contact support for any additional clarifications.

Wishing you a great one!




Sridhar Krishnan | Customer Support | Seeking Alpha α

Learn more and find answers in our Knowledge Base


Sridhar Krishnan
  • Answered