Notifications Backwards still!!!

  • updated
  • Completed

Galaxy s9.  the last notification displays on the bottom of the list.  this is making the app UNUSABLE!!  Please fix the order.  last notification FIRST.  Thanks!!


Hello Rob,

Happy to hear that its working for you now :)

Do let me know if I can be of further assistance.

All the best,


rob eisen

actuallu it's ok.  it was frozen beacuse I had to log back in.   

rob eisen

Hi I just tried to download a new version (I didn't see a update) so I uninstalled and reinstalled and now the entire app doesn't connect to seeking alpha.   it's like the server is down. something going on?

SA Dave Schechter (old)
  • Under review

Hello Rob,

Thank you for your message.

I'm sorry to hear your having this issue, it should have been fixed in our latest version update.

When was the last time you tried to uninstall/reinstall?

Can you please try again?

Thank you,



It's not just Galaxy S9...this is an Android-wide problem...maybe even iOS...please fix's been like 2 months now...I've tried signing out/uninstalling/reinstalling several times...nothing has worked yet