@ SA Jacob Maltz,I've having similar problems. Have SA mobile…

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@ SA Jacob Maltz,

I've having similar problems. Have SA mobile app for Android which "somehow" updated while my phone was plugged in about 24 hours ago; and SA on desk top. Android mobile app shows Portfolio stock positions and daily price movements however it does not show value of entire portfolio, there is no way to check total gain/loss per position or portfolio, and I cannot find anywhere in mobile app to add "actual # of shares bought or sold and at what price point" for a stock position like I can on desk top version. Please fix. 


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SA Jacob Maltz
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Hi t.boned, just rotate your phone on the portfolio tab and you will see all the same tabs as the desktop, including the holdings tab and lots more !... Also try rotating your phone while you are in the All Portfolios tab to see the Holdings summary 

SA Jacob Maltz
  • Answer
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Hi t.boned, just rotate your phone on the portfolio tab and you will see all the same tabs as the desktop, including the holdings tab and lots more !... Also try rotating your phone while you are in the All Portfolios tab to see the Holdings summary 

t boned

@SA Jacob Maltz,

Ok. I appreciate you getting back to me and I understand the solution. (Deep breath) It was a lot better when you didn't have to change your auto-rotation button on your phone to view your portfolio values. Frankly I loved having my phone setting on no auto-rotate so I could look at my phone from any direction (at my desk, couch, or early at 5AM in bed) and be able to read market breaking news and understand how it was affecting my portfolio. Instead I'm going to read the news, then have to hit auto-rotate, zoom, re-focus my eyes and trying to find where I'm supposed to be looking at on the screen so I can see how said news is affecting my portfolio. Seems like a mess. Frankly the update, though cool, presents real problems with analysis paralysis due to sheer volume of categories within the phone app and trying to find what information you are looking for.

Understand its no fun to receive this feed back but wanted you to understand how app update makes if super hard to find information from someone managing permanent capital.  
