Comment Sort / Ranking

  • updated
  • Started

Would be amazing if comments could be sorted by "likes" or ranked, similar to Reddit. Engenders great community engagement and democratic comment filtering.

Alex Vogel

Please also enable / create a feature to search comments, and to sort by date

  • Under review

Great suggestions. We have these both under review and will update once we build it.


Any update on this feature? It's been 2 years since it was suggested. Often there are some very insightful comments hidden among the hundreds. Would be great to see the best ones at the top.

SA Admin Amitai Richman
  • Started

Improved comments functionality is in development now so you should see the next iteration relatively soon.


I’d be happy with a simple sort on posted date irrespective of conversation so I can see most recent comments on top, allowing quick monitoring of the comment feed.  Hard to believe such a basic use case is not supported...although I might simply not be seeing it..always a possibility haha.  The existing “conversation” based format means the most recent posts may be embedded as responses to older posts, buried in the middle of the comment stack...forcing a painful scroll through reams of old material to find a handful of recent comments.

SA Admin Amitai Richman
  • Started

Hi - sort by most recent on top has been implemented now and is now the default. Thanks for the feedback.

Ian Farbrother

While I think it is great that you are providing more choices for how to view comments, I absolutely HATE having newest first as the default - especially since you don't seem to remember when I change the sort order on a particular article and it goes back to 'newest' when I try to read just the new comments.

Case in point, the comments on Fear & Greed Trader's articles tend to flow in a 'reasonably' logical order. Newest comments first makes it VERY difficult to follow the flow !!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE at least provide a new 'setting' so that I can choose the default !!!!!!!!!!!


Uggh.  Sort to newest is miserable.  You can't follow the discussion.  Did you do any research what people prefer?

Also it seems to clash with the orange new post arrow (no longer working).


Why did you change the default sort to newest first?  It means as I read down the page, I'm often reading comments made in reference or reply to comments I haven't seen yet.  There should be a place (I'm not aware if there is) where I can make a global persistent preference in how I want the new posts displayed.


Ditto, hate the new default, vote to change it back, and give an option to change to the probable minority who like it backwards.