SuRo Capital (SSSS) listing needs updating.


The name was recently updated but the company descriptor is still out of date (refers to the old name, Sutter Rock Capital). Also the website address is wrong, as is the street address. 

The correct site URL:

The correct street address: One Sansome Street, Suite 730, San Francisco, CA 94104

An updated descriptor (from company press releases) is below. 

SuRo Capital Corp. (Nasdaq:SSSS) is a publicly traded investment fund that seeks to invest in high-growth, venture-backed private companies. The fund seeks to create a portfolio of high-growth emerging private companies via a repeatable and disciplined investment approach, as well as to provide investors with access to such companies through its publicly traded common stock. SuRo Capital is headquartered in San Francisco, CA.

(I am a communications rep for SuRo; you can find my info listed at the bottom of press releases.)