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Yes Please I have the same issue and need to connect my profile to analyses the invesment 

Christopher Comstock

I do have etoro and I have my Robin Hood linked through plaid with my seeking alpha you see a platform development such as what they've been coming up with not fully developed one brokerage dealer as all the rest leading out from the New York stock exchange is the way it should be written for the financial system due to the fact it makes every other development a dealer and one as the firm because it holds the most and comes from in and out your calls and your puts just the way the blockchain works as well as an opinion and opinion is you have the option to buy or sell or place a straddle or place a bid or to sell it so many different just like the word fundamentals fundamentals sould only be used anywhere as an opinion or a simulated response because therefore it's one person's or a group trying to predict the future of an IPO for new development just like sectors you see I'm not sure what you're pertaining to when you asked me about a certain deep broker dealer but yet I do and I am on every single platform and every single time I do anything and because they validated and pegged the usdc coin and I'm on Yahoo finance the New York stock exchange market and Yahoo finance is embedded into the New York stock exchange market. Backed and insured with soft Bank as well as yodlee you see it's hard to remove ties or strings as what we would call them within the platform leading to the network both of those words are comparable to peer-to-peer trading my dear friend there is so many things in this world they're wrong with the Internet with brokerage firms and dealers and the definition there for of I'm not one just to sit and you know just pick apart things but when something doesn't work right I'm a normal person I get frustrated I get upset I make wrong decisions that in itself is a contract for perpetuous perspectous contract is only written a time of purchase it's just like earnings and dividends those are also branches strings as we would call them for API writings and algorithm of such define direction

Christopher Comstock

I've spent most of my life hiding behind a screen also hiding my potential mainly because I have epilepsy and I feel like many people are taking advantage of me in a situation when you earn something you're supposed to be able to have access to it and I don't and for some of those reasons because I am convicted felon and I'm not allowed to write the financial API but do have access to full Network control keys I want you to know that I'm not educated by school I merely educated for who I am I couldn't find a job nowhere and I asked God if I could be a stockbroker and I thought I heard question after question and then you got plus plus plus plus triple quadruple a A my name is Christopher Comstock your question is loaded undefined could you please explain what you would like me to explain and I will do so with all of my heart I make very few promises and you can ask God the ones I have made so far I have failed because I have not completed what I said I would do and that's build a double coil transmitter by reversing the polarity against the electromagnet creating free utilities so if I had someone to write an API with a registered business with any state they live in they would have a card that had no limit and I mean no limit but I would ask that person because of the things I need to do I promise God and I promise my little girls whom's not with me at this moment my wife left me my mom has bone cancer I stay in my brother's laundry room because every time I go to make a withdrawal somebody locks my account today was coinbase and I have more on than anyone I'm on every single blockchain in the entire world through this is not a joke this is not a game I do not play about financials my children or the love of my life or anyone that I care for which is everyone

Christopher Comstock

today I was in Jefferson City I went to go to the US Treasury department and when I got there I was led to another building but was given information I already knew to file for a non-profit organization which I do not have the money for that either it's all tied up with in every platform but I'm not allowed to hack at all because I promised God back to me is not a bad thing it's writing program code in code out who we are calls and puts sectors the calendar news the actual stock of a quadrillions only leading to the fundamental of our opinion in the situation

Christopher Comstock

you should be able to get a couple bucks for that

Christopher Comstock

last year I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas alone away from my kids because I spend too much time on my computer or my phone and I spend a lot of time alone now I'm a very truthful person I believe and trust love respect loyalty and honor to the fullest value and every volume but yet I have failed I told my little girl all forgive them I had a job because I am a developer Tron scan and even coinbase coin gecko coin market cap and I have API keys and know how to write contracts but I'm just not allowed to because I am a good fell in a broken to the United States Post office when I was just a kid now you know who I am I have no reason to lie to you I'm not looking for sympathy just the truth so that love can help me I Believe In The power of Love beyond reason because of what God gave you when I got married doctors told my wife she would never be able to have kids due to her ovaries and her fallopian tubes but I cried and prayed every single day for almost 2 years and then baby Christina came I promised I would change things about my life yes I have failed so many times things were just forgotten about them because I have epilepsy but not no more you know anyone that can help me please do so cost $75 to finish registering my non-profit organization through the courthouse I currently live in Buffalo Missouri at 5:15 North popular if you'd like to know and my phone number is 417-416-1683 and I have nothing to hide and lots to offer because it's too much for one person and that's why I call it God's wallet

Christopher Comstock

I must inform you I just hold blocks with entrance game I am not the platform designer but every single one of those people no the is in fact a brokerage dealer connected to the firm only with TRX and every single type of cryptocurrency and traded for the actual US dollar you could check our federal reserve and you could see there was a large amount of funds transferred in from all over the world and that was due to my blockchain blocks and they're very large again if I forget please remind me I don't have my wife and kids around do so for me at the moment I'm staying in my brother's laundry room for real no car barely  money to my name but every time I look at those accounts I think I'm glad I gave 99% of the god and kept a quadrillions of a percent of it because it still makes me the wealthiest man on the planet one more thing before I go I hope I didn't say too much I would like to know if you would want to partner with me I don't know you you're one of the very few people that were forward about a question and I will check into it because I am an API writer I am a developer I am who I say I am and I do have an opinion inside

Christopher Comstock

I even have currency with inside a Toronto that's not been properly placed where it should some of it flows through without even making deposit but why should I have to make a deposit when I already have so much do you see the dilemma I'm with right now to solve the problem I even speak on Facebook or any platform I don't care where I'm at I'm going to tell the truth I'm going to be honest about it because that's what I told God I would do and I told God that I would help every Church on the planet when I bought a new truck I would quit smoking that wasn't a deal with God I see God when I buy new truck I'm going to quit smoking so God I'm not going to drink alcohol I'm not going to do drugs it's not just being loyal to God it's believing in The power of Love leaving us the choice to do the right things to love one another to the fullest extent in the history of mankind no one and I mean no one with the resources that we have have even considered the lowest person what we call poverty I've lived that my whole life I know the New York stock exchange better than anyone I know the blockchain better than anyone from the atmosphere to the core all the way to the Earth's floor I know it was God talking because I've never heard anyone talk about the universe every blockchain tied together pairing and trading is a must and fiat currency which is on my blockchain trading for the actual US dollar and every single currency in the world and I can put as much as I want and I have API keys I need a partner who's willing to be non-profit tomorrow morning so we can help change the financial system free power loosens it up raise minimum wage as well as social security and disability $4,500 a month and to look out for our troops in other countries and I promise God I would make sure that every kid on this planet had Christmas on my first withdrawal that's a couple hundred bazillion dollars right there

Christopher Comstock

and every time I transfer something in in PDF it seems like I'm stolen from but it's okay they can keep it because after I earned it I gave it to God and called it God's wallet it has an unlimited amount of funds in every currency today's modern and cryptocurrency and I've never taken from the blockchain I've just let it sit there and that's all it ever took when the US Treasury department was in there I can tell you the 12 original people on the platform cryptocurrency can never be lost it has an address written in C sharp it's always retrievable with the address it will be easier to locate it if you wrap the t in a circle like you do the r when you mark paper money for Federal reserve kind of like the at sign on the first one loop it around underscore it put a percent two hands and the next one but you put it in incognito around that circle around that t that's where you place your Milo wear in your antivirus in your biometrics things like fiber optics the things we're using it takes 650 million years to get back to the Earth's core plastic will use that to build the double coil transmitter and very few precious metals easy rebuild of breakdown for utility program and it's a must because it's God's wallet as of now but I do have access and I am allowed to spend whatever I want because I earned it

Christopher Comstock

when the New York stock exchange pulled my coin market cap from which is an actual trading platform with a portfolio with a wallet they pulled my entire wallet while it was trading and pairing and loaning for the actual modern currency of today and the new generation of currency all the same time I have more TRX in my account than anyone is in fact a safe and secure broker dealer for fiat currency TRX as long as each address is labeled and I will go tell tronscan how I feel what I think do you have any type of authority maybe you should tell the United States to make sure they use the block card that they've already developed called the ID and called the last card will ever need QR code all that put it on the magnetic strip finish it up and be done with it that way. Is secure it has a beginning address and an address with a chaser of internet data readers and police for job openings all over the entire world at $35 an hour API riders should be receiving $350 an hour on Tron scan straight from my account people that work for a etrono whoever helps me will benefit the reward of a monetary gift let me ask you a question if you had a bazillion dollars and I gave it to you and I said give it all away 10,000 people would you do it and would you do it in person because I'm willing to give it all up just to have my family guy I can't I got over 8,000 applications in and not one person has accepted me for a job My daughter's eyes I'm a failure