Lost me as a SA user


One of the core values of Seeking Alpha has been to shed light on less followed stocks, usually stocks in the small/micro cap universe. As someone who typically looks for investments small/micro caps specifically, my main use case for SA was to use older articles on micro caps found through other filters to gain perspective on the company history, as well as find arguments for a long term bear/bull case. 

By barring users from these articles, SA has deliberately reduced exposure to these small caps and reduced it's use case to finding the hot take of daily events on the largest and most followed companies. Authors who post great ideas on less followed stocks with longer investment horizens won't be able to drive enough traffic in the 10 day window to justify writing content, and stocks with < 5 posts per year of analysis will lose any semblance of coverage. 

My use case for SA has essentially been reduced to earnings calls and announcements, which is a commodity offering and can be found elsewhere.

The recent change to the PRO articles forces me to look elsewhere for content