Portfolio stock prices not displaying

  • updated
  • Under review
Duplicates 163
Portfolio won't show
Portfolio will not show??!!!
My portfolio is gone. Seeking Alpha hacked?
Portfolio gone
Stocks and prices not showing in portfolio
Portfolio missing.
The portfolio appears to be missing
No stock reports
Cannot open portfolio
I'm going to delete this app totally. Can't get quotes. Sick of this crap.
Cannot see my bp portfolio
Lost stocks 3 hrs ago
My portfolio does not show when I access portfolio
cant view portfolio
Portfolio list not showing?
Portfolio missing
Cant view portfolio.
Again problem this morning with viewing pottfolio
No portfolio again
Not recieving notifications. Can see I have over 30 since yesterday but not showing.
Prices not populating in portfolios. Market indices freeze
Not seeing my portfolio
Portfolio will not show
Portfolio not showing prices
Can't get my watch list to show
Not seeing portfolio list
Watch list is not showing
Just did an update, page is getting stuck, my stock lists not coming up, seems to be the new ads causing the problem
Well looks like your site is screwed up again can I get my portfolio maybe you should buy some more servers
portfolio is not updating
Solve portfolio issue ASAP since yesterday morning???
Cannot see my portfolio.
Stock prices loadng issue continues.
Cant see portfolio. Wont come up
Can't see my stocks
no stocks showing
Notifications not populating in the app or on my iPhone
Profile 1 stocks are not loading
No Portfolio and no quoates
Portfolio missing just like yesterday. What's happening and why?
Why can we not get an answer to the disappearing portfolio dilemma
Drop-down portfolio not working
No portfolio quotes showing no
My portfolio is not showing just the news is.
Should your users go to Yahoo Finance? They have never been down.
Got my portfolio back but it was a very early one and has nothing to do with the one that disappeared
My portfolio is gone
portfolio problem

Hi...am having trouble displaying my Portfolio in the app. Haven't had any problems til today. Any suggestions?

Can't see my profolio
My portfolio does not appear
I can't see my portfolio. I see news or notification instead. Please fix this issue. Or give resolution even one click does not sync my.portfolio
Can no see my porfolio list
Can not see my portfolio
Cannot c my portfolios
Every update, makers everytime en anthore problem. Now it is de portefolio. Then it's the notivecations..make a update that everything works. Not a update with an anathore problem e
Portfolio won't appear
Portfolio not appearing only news

Can only see news not stock listings

Portfolio list & quotes are no longer showing up as of yesterday!!!
Portfolio won't show
Why would I purchase a service from say Bret Jensen if I can't link to My Portfolio in Seeking Alphs? Should I discuss thos with several of your authors?
Cannot see stock
2 days no portfolio stickers
Portfolio stock prices not loading. Only analysis articles.
Lost my portfolio, will not load.
Cant find my main portfolio
I also are not seeing stick prices
My primary portfolio stock quotes are not appearing
Did you get hacked?
Unable to load stock price of one of portfolios for several days already!!
Portafolio not loading...
We are not able to c our Portfolio instead a Google add is there look .....y spoiling a product
I cannot see my portfolio
portolio gone MIA
portfolio reappeared ,now gone again
No stocks showing
Cant get into my portfolio
No longer shows stocks in my watchlist

The app shows the news for the stocks but not the stocks

will not display portfolio
I'm about to delete this ap....no portfolio listed yet
Portfolio will not load on iPhone app
No p0rtfolio.
Could be Canadian Thanksgiving affecting views...if you have pot stocks, for instance.
Portfolio is missing
Regarding disappearing stock quotes uninstall and reinstall and it will fix the problem. Hopefully for most everybody.
Whats,wrong with the app. Can't see portfolios
NO portfolio,please fix
Can not see stock quotes
Not display of portfolio
Will not display any portfolios .... tried unistall reinstall no help
I can't see my portfolio all of a sudden
the android app is not working, its not showing the portfolio stocks. When will all the bugs be worked out??

Wood be nice to get this fixed and working properly.

Cant view portfolio's
not showing the portfolio list
cannot see portfolio
Can't view portfolio
no portfolio list...
Cannot view stock portfolio
No portfolio on seeking alpha today?
Portfolio is not coming up so unable to view
Portfolio is not displaying
Won't bring up portfolio
Portfolio is not coming up so unable to view
Portfolio is not displayed
Not seeing stock quotes
Portfolio is not displaying
Cannot view portfolio stock picks
Where did my portfolio disappear to
Portfolio not showing pls fix thx
No stock views in portfolio
All accounts show 0 balance
Portfolio will not load
No portfolio
App doesnt load my portfolio even I refresh
Second day with no portfolio ....is there a problem with the website or is it my Android phone
No portfolio.Why?
Can't get my watch list to show.
not seeing portfolio list, only news and can't scroll up to ticker symbols
My portfolio is not anymore visible there are nonstop reclames publicacions
When do u think stock price feature will b loading, very inconvenient.
Unable to load stock portfolio
Can you fix tallgrass energy partners so your app shows today’s pricing? Ticker is TGE.
No display of counters
My stocks are not coming up just news stories
Can't download stocks recently got an update what the heck is going on
I am not able to view my portfolio when I click portfolio in the phone app
No quotes. Only news
Quotes not loading
Why are my portfolio stocks not coming up this happened yesterday and now today
Portfolio stocks not loading?
Qoutes not loading
Lost portfolios, again. Not visible.
How do I keep a potfolio from disappearing?
Quotes not showing tuesday Oct 9th
Cant see my portfolio
Can't view portfolio
Portfolio not available, it disappeared, you have a problem.
Wrong portfolio displayed
Just lost all data on 400k portfolio @#$#@
My portfolio is gone!!!
Hello why cant i see my portfolio?
Can't see portfolio
I cannot get stock quotes on Mobile App
Can't see my portfolio
Why have portfolio quotes disappeared Oct 8th but portfolio related news still shows
I am not getting stock quotes
Can’t add stocks to portfolio

I’m a brand new user. Went to go add my first stock to my portfolio and was given an error message. Tried with a few different stocks and none would work 

Everything blank

All blank

My stocks and prices are not populating.

My stocks and prices stopped populating.

My portfolio does not show up on my phone.

It stopped showing up since yesterday.

Portfolio won't show

All day, my portfolio will not show, and app is sluggish. 

stock quotes

would u guys finally get ur act 2gether???? stock quotes b4 market open ja...after market open no...wtf??

Prices not populating

Prices not displaying in portfolio

Missing data for multiple stocks again!

This happened all last week, but it never happened when the market was open. It looked as if this had been corrected, but now it is happening while the market is still open. For numerous stocks, I can see how many shares I own, but no other data. All views are affected.

Stock portfolio

My stock portfolio has been out for the last two days when will it be back up

Data missing in my portfolios after market close.

I have 6 portfolios set up and they function well during market hours. But after market close, all data is missing except for the number of shares that I hold, on 10 - 60% of my stocks. On some days the data is missing for 5 or 6 stocks, and on some days it is 20 stocks. This started about 10 days ago. The problem is the same on my PC and iMac. 

Deleted my portfolio

The system has deleted my portfolio#1

stock prices

so again if having a rough morning...get hin on leave..or whomever..since the big changeover..its all a no go!!! people make money decisions with the quote board...why'd u guys have to screw this up??it wasnt broke b4..but now it is..

Dont see portfolio details

Do not see portfolio details in the app. News are updated in the bottom section of the screen based on the portfolio holdings, but no info on tickers/prices etc.

stock prices

same thing everyday b4 market opens and after market closes we r privelidged 2 get the stock quotes.....i guess thats when u need em the most guys??get someone else running this app puleeze..u guys r trying to change and better things your not qualified 4..get some proffesionals in who know how to do their jobs and properly execute..thx in advance


wtf????? is this site under new managment??b4 the big changeover..everything worked fine n dandy..or r u guys doin this on purpose wurh some hidden agenda???

Portfolio stocks don't display

I see the related news normally below the tickers,  but i don't see tickers/ prices anymore!

My portfolio stopped displaying

My portfolio no longer loads in the app. It stopped displaying as of Monday, 10/8.


stk prices not displaying in sa app


this problem has recurred stock prices are not showing up in my portfolios I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail

SA Admin Amitai Richman
  • Under review

Are you still experiencing the problem?


new iPad.  No display of portfolio data. 

Low Sweat Investing

Is the quotesdisplay problem recurring? Stock quotes are not displaying on my MacBook Monday Apr 27, 2020. First noticed this yesterday (Sunday Apr 26, 2020). Portfolio list displays fine, but nothing for any individual quote pages. Thank you.


Still having issues with desktop and mobile. Can't see portfolios. Get "Yikes, something went wrong" error messages.

Quote from anonymous

Hi All,

We currently are having an issue with our main data provider. We have moved to our backup provider and prices should now be showing on our desktop site. Please refresh if you still see any issues.

On mobile, there still will be an issue and we are working with out data provider to rectify the issue. 

Sincere apologies for this inconvenience.



Thanks for fixing this issue.

Happy Holidays!


Quote from anonymous

same problem on Android 

anonymons 3


never mind