unable to download company presentations on ios app

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using ios app won’t let me to download and see as a pdf for company’s presentation as it is possible on the website. see app view and website view. i wish you would add that feature.

Image 82388

Image 82389

Technical problem/bug
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SA Admin Shubham Shresth
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This was a known issue and was fixed. Please click on share button once PDF is open and save it to "Files". We hope this issue is not occurring anymore. Please let us know if otherwise.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

SA Admin Shubham Shresth
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This was a known issue and was fixed. Please click on share button once PDF is open and save it to "Files". We hope this issue is not occurring anymore. Please let us know if otherwise.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha