My idea is I want you to stop selling my data and my personal information not just Oni California the whole wide world so you can f*** off you're not going to tell me what to do with my data I do not want you using it plain and simple you're not going to

  • updated

Stop selling my personal information and my personal data you're not allowed to use it no more or sell it cuz I'm the owner of it and I'm telling you not to use it or sell it not just California the whole wide world you mother f***** it's not up to you it's up to me stupid b**** since everyone included the United States worldwide doesn't recognize I want to give me f****** money you can all suck a fat dick b**** do not use or sell my personal information you're not allowed to know more no one is


you mother f***** think you can tell me what to do you can suck a dick none of you m************ want to give me money


cn que por eso no puedo acomodar mi cuen hdtpm sigan mamando que si me entero los voy a encontrar y me los voy a fumar