Please add back the Axion Power Concentrators - all of them.

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Al has been doing a great job ethically managing the APC (Axion Power Concentrator), and now a simple screw up has made a mess. I think there is a misunderstanding about the APC and AXPW. AXPW (the company) has had a sordid history of mismanagement and worse. The APC (Axion Power Concentrators) have been a magnificent communication channel, exposing the financial chicanery of AXPW, and having many educational topics on renewable energy, battery storage, and other topics relevant to many investors. It is the best of crowd-sourced info on the net - Seeking Alpha should be praising it, not shutting it down.

The APCs are probably SA's busiest (most commented) and most heavily, longest lasting blogs. The management of the blog has changed over the years, with the credential shifted to one user to another. The value of these blogs were not the blogs itself, but mostly from the tremendous outpouring of comments. The APH did not editorialize, it was a conduit for fascinating conversation.

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Are you referring to this blog? If so, it still seems to be active.