Import portfolios

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since portfolios change daily why not make it so we can import from another source, using a template

ie: excel spreadsheet

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SA Jacob Maltz
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Quote from pendolino

id gladly become a paying customer if you can link my etrade portfolio to seekingalpha

I have 5 etrade portfolios synced with my Premium account. 

SA Jacob Maltz
  • Started

We are working on a feature to allow you to integrate your real brokerage accounts, our plan is to make this available for premium subscribers.


good forward thinking, but

1. you give no release date

2. I'm a Pro member why shouldnt you make that avail to us as well, we are paying a premium for our service, its not free!

Quote from SA Jacob Maltz

We are working on a feature to allow you to integrate your real brokerage accounts, our plan is to make this available for premium subscribers.

id gladly become a paying customer if you can link my etrade portfolio to seekingalpha

SA Jacob Maltz
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Quote from pendolino

id gladly become a paying customer if you can link my etrade portfolio to seekingalpha

I have 5 etrade portfolios synced with my Premium account.