Your comments

I agree. These banners are annoying and redundant. I can see what SA thinks of a stock in the quant ratings section. I don't need it in red block that has to be closed manually. I have a large portfolio on SA and several of my stocks were flagged. It took time to get those banners all shut. There must be a  way to turn that function off for those of us that don't need or like SA opinion banners. In fact for stocks I own SA's panic banner is surely causing as many sells as short seller sentiment. It doesn't help my investment and it's overly manipulative.

Thank you for the followup. when I reported the problem mostly tickers ending in F or Y were not evident in my portfolio and i thought it was just that foreign stock data was missing but later in the day I had spotty instances of missing stock totals on the stock page Ie I would see all the DHR data but the price. However after 5pm the problem at the stock pages resolved itself and today all the portfolio prices are there.? I've had that issue before and it was fixed by your team. Currently running a newer win 10 so didn't expect to see problems again. Thanks for your quick request for followup your team is great.