Your comments

Look for the “slanted pencil” symbol on the button adjacent to the “+ Add” button. Click that button, and the portfolio should appear in a pop-up window. There will be “trash can” symbols on every portfolio holding line. Click the trash can symbol on the same line as the portfolio holding you want to delete. It should then immediately disappear from the list. Click the “Done” text in the upper right corner of the pop-up window to close the window.

I don’t think this is an “issue” or “problem.” I think it is a very conscious policy decision being implemented by Seeking Alpha. It appears obvious to me they have made the decision to try and leverage users’ prior and on-going engagement in free older articles to entice them to sign up for premium subscription services in order to continue activities which were previously free.

I think they are making a mistake.

Instead of implementing it in a manner which amounts to coercion, they should consider a pay “ad free” model like so many other sites do. Currently, I can employ an ad-blocker and browse for free, if I so choose. But if I lose access to articles of interest, it won’t cause me to upgrade to a premium subscription. Instead, I’ll simply stop navigating to Seeking Alpha in the first place. There are many excellent alternatives available. One of the main aspects SA has offered to users to exploit over other financial sites is the social aspect. If they start blocking that, they will fail.