Your comments

To toggle the % and $ change - tap the red/green box. 

All you need to do is to tap the red/green boxes and toggle between $ and % .

All you need to do is to tap the red/green boxes and toggle between $ and % .

Have you updated the app to the latest version?

For all users who are failing to re-login, this is what you should do:

Logging out and logging back in

To do so, go to your “More” menu and select "Sign Out".

To log back in simply enter the email and password with which you registered, and you will automatically be logged in.

If you can't remember which account you used to register, please type in the email address you are using to receive email alerts from Seeking Alpha with.

If you forgot your password you can always recover it by entering your email address and on the password screen tap on “Forgot Password”. You will get an email from Seeking Alpha with a One-Click Setup link. This will log you back in.

If it's not working, you can uninstall and reinstall the app.

If you allowed auto-update on your app, it will do it and You'll see a notification about it.

Have you tried logging out of the app and in again?

Thank you for your message and I apologize for the inconvenience. We are working to ix it. This issue will be solved in the next app update.

To toggle the % and $ change - tap the red/green box.