Your comments

Thank you for reporting. This issue is now fixed.

Thank you for reporting, we are working on a solution to fix this bug.

You should be able to see all tour comments in your profile page, under the comments tab.

This bug was fixed in the new version 3.12 - Please update the app.

Thank you for your feedback, It is on our roadmap.

Thank you for reporting this issue. 

Subscription to Market Place services is currently available only on our website.

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Looks like you have exceeded the maximum of 250 stocks per portfolio OR 400 stocks across all your portfolios.

I see you using an older version of the app. Please update and make sure you install 3.12 or later.

You can access the desktop version of the site by going into the hamburger menu, scroll down to the bottom and tap on the "Desktop Version" link.

Thank you for letting us know - We are working on a fix,

Make sure you upgrade as soon as the new version arrives.