Your comments

Understood and wish you the best of luck with your investing!

If there are enough stocks in your portfolio which are inside our coverage universe, then we can give a rating.  Otherwise, we do not want to provide misleading information. 

Sorry that sale event is over.

Click the link on the bottom,  under where it says "Forgot your password ?"


Image 174489

Here is the problem, you registered twice to Seeking ALpha.   One time you registered via Apple and decided not to show us your email, when that happens, Apple generated a bogus email with a bunch of random letters which gets forwarded to your real email.   On another occasion you registered for Seeking Alpha but instead of doing a register with Apple you did another form of registration with your abeeselma email.   Well since you didnt register with Apple, you ended up with 2 accounts.   With your Apple account you are fully unsubscribed, with your abeeslama account you are not.   I suggest that you logout, and log back in with your abeesalma email and then unsubscribe from everything.      

This "security" feature of Apple where the user  can decide not to show their email has got to be the worst thing that ever happened to support teams and their customers, since it takes detective work to figure it out.

Thanks for reporting,  Unfortunately, the quote does look correct now.  if u see this again, please send a screenshot, Thanks!

The delete button looks like a trash can

Sorry, our provider has a problem with FIdelity and are working to resolve,.

We only support sorting them alphabetically, as a hack, you can try to put a number at the beginning of the name eg
1 name
2 name4
3 Name 2

Click the bell icon when you are inside the chat room

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