Your comments

Please uninstall the old version of the app and install the latest version from the app store.

What kind of message ?  email message ?  Is this on your mobile device ?

I put in a request for a change to separate replies and mentions and clearly indicate each. Thanks for the report.

We are testing a new version of the article which loads comments gradually and quickly.  So far it has been deployed to only a portion of our users, so you have likely not seen it yet.

We put in some fixes for this, please try again.   

Please post details if you have problems clicking through from the notification inbox, I am getting reports of sporadic problems, but have not been able to pin it down completely or reproduce.  

Hi, It looks like a bug, but you can use your mouse wheel to scroll the window.

Please provide your reference ID from the message

Something about your behavior or network is tripping our bot detection service.  If you provide your reference ID, I can get a more exact answer from them,  

It would help to give examples.   We recently changed our policy for contributors to incentivize them for producing articles on under-covered stocks, but specifically those which people are following.  If very few people are interested in a stock, it is unlikely to get covered.  In terms of content filtering, latest items are on top in the quote page. 

Please uninstall any old version of the Seeking Alphas  app that you have and install it directly from the app store.