Your comments

Sorry but it don't work, try my code for yourself.

((iframe width="800" height="600" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true">

Change the first (( to < to complete the code (couldn't be pasted otherwise)
then run the code and check if you have the time

Tried that a couple of times now, don't work sorry.

Sry doesn't seem to work, at first it shows correctly in this field I am currently writing in. But when I post reply it doesn't anymore (just blank).

But the article window just show the Code:
((iframe width="800" height="600" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen="true">
Change the first (( to < to complete the code (couldn't be pasted otherwise)
then run the code and check if you have the time

thank you I will do that

My report was showing perfectly when I edited, but when I posted it just became a big blank field.

My data report is a a power BI report . But thats not the main issue.

I can make it embedded in HTML like this And thats what I want to show on my article also, but it seems its not working as simply as it is here. And I wonder why?

all I did was to paste this code like this : <iframe width="800" height="600" src="http..............

and it worked automatically here, but not in the article itself.