Your comments

We are currently experiencing issues with our data provider which is affecting charts and financial data. This will hopefully be fixed shortly.

Our data provider is currently experiencing an outage. The charts should be fixed as soon as the issues are resolved

If you could please screencap the issue, we can troubleshoot and get it fixed.


Correct - we currently only cover US-listed stocks and funds. We do have plans to expand to international listings in the future - date TBD.

Happy New Year!


Which author are you trying to follow?



You can log out or go into 'incognito mode' on your browser and then go to this link:

It will show you all the reviews.


Apologies for the continuing issues here. We will get this sorted for you ASAP.


what happens when you click on "Please verify your email by clicking here"? We have not actually verified your email via the android app yet so if we can just have you do that quickly, you will not be inconvenienced again.



We have always required email verification on our other platforms. We have now extended this to our Android App as well. It's a 30 second 1-time process. Please reach out with any further questions on this matter.


We had thought this was fixed. We'll review and confirm once it is fixed again.

