Your comments

Getting alerted by AVG on the same thing when browsing Seeking Alpha with Chrome.

Same happening here. Wants a new login every time I open a new page.

Thanks for clarification and the quick fix.

Seems to have stopped now completely.

Is there any steps we should take because of this? Did our personal info get sold to Korean gansters or something similar?

Not resolved for me atleast. Still getting hit with the same JS:Downloader-FHY [Trj] each time I open one of the trending news on the main page.

Edit. Hmm , doesn't seem to happen every time anymore. opening the disney filing suggests fox cede sky race comcast did it again

Still getting hit immidiately with a new threat warning after resolving the previous one. Using AVG.

Also keep getting the same warning continuously from Seeking Alpha pages.

AVG is keeps alerting about the same trojan at Seeking Alpha.

JS:Downloader-FHY [Trj].