Your comments

Thank you very much. Problem solved.

As you can see the subscribe functions I pay for do not work right now...the website does not know me.

The website always has the orange "subscribe" sign on in the right corner, no matter what section of the website I am on, as if I am not a member even though I signed in. Please help.

OK, the issue with search is fixed but my account isn't. I am still called user 49609473 and not my name, the authors I follow are still erased, my portfolio settings are still very very old and not up to date...and the articles Ive read still stop listing in July of last year. Please help and contact

Ms.Kateryna Kovrizhenko,

Can you or somebody else contact me directly and give me some real assistance?

Thank you

XON PYX and many many others

In addition, I just noticed that I am called user 49609473 and not my name, the authors I follow have all been erased, my portfolio settings are very very old...and the articles Ive read stop listing in July of last year. It's like my account has gone back in time and is stuck, and worse yet it doesnt function. Have I been hacked?
The mobile site is fine though.
Please help or advise.