Your comments

My articles from my favorite authors only have part of first page and rest is blank.  I want to read my the entire article not just the highlights!

Yeah!  Dec. 15th 2020 the price was .75 cents a share and yet my 600 shares is worth zero according to SA?  Please correct.  Thanks!

My portfolio also has multiple entries for some symbols on the holdings mode.  This distorts the value and the daily action as well as the value since inception!  Please check it out and fix it!


I never made any comment about XON but I would like to know how to copy (print) my portfolio and data pages that look exactly like it is shown without all the cramping, no color and generally just data bits?  Why can't I just right click data and then print it just like it is shown?

Thank You!

It seems everything is OK now!  All of portfolio is displayed and calculations working!  Thanks Brad.

Go to valuation screen for portfolio 1 and all the data is missing in the middle except for Newmont Mining.  Why is this so?  It seems the other companies have a lot of data that could be placed here.

Thanks Brad.

Thanks Amitai Richman!  So profitability for 2018 should already be updated when I look at Gross Margins and cash flow and will be updated again in April 2019 for the first quarter.  Is it a floating 4 quarter average going forward to include 2019 first quarter?  

How often is the seeking alpha data for portfolios updated?  Under profitability, it does not seem to change very often!

Could you please fix the Profitability heading so that it works for my Portfolio 1!  Thanks!

Still no message about including OTC stock information on the Portfolio Data Screen!