Your comments

take two closed on zynga buyout yesterday so the shares ceased to trade 

it must be down, I can't get into my subs. chat either, just get an error code each try (on my laptop)  Bea

me too.. stop notifying me on old articles if I can't read the comments?? what the hell?? 

it is not working for all articles,  seems to work on regular articles and news bulletins to edit but not Blogs 

I dont like these tags period, what is the point? 

Paul.. if you stop tracking comments  ( there is a button to track comments at the top of the comments section in the articles ) you will not get any notifications in your bell of new comments.  Bea 

very frustrating, I am signing in w a verified email and my pw , have used the same email for 11yrs here.. and have to do these annoying robot tests to view things or make a comment!  Do PRO subscribers also experience this?

yes, still happening, if you get into Advanced Charts, they are working fine, just the main display chart- the graphs disappear. I am using IE11   (The issue I had yesterday with the search box being blacked out has apparently been resolved) Bea

I am having the same problem w the chart today, not yesterday? and now the Search box is blacked out and I can't search a ticker or author?? Bea