Your comments

how about being able to block scammy touts like rida morwa ? 

Charges 500-800 a year ???? to be a bottom fisher and make up HYPE headlines every day here.

Who pays this guy ??????

today he is swimming in dividends.

Rida is a classic

This guy apparently has 6 MILLION a year in sub fees

1000 a year * 6000

All he does is but buy buy and pray the markets help him out. If not, he wipes his tears with $100 bills 

lol,  ive been disgusted with his pamping for years now .

congrats on your good judgement 

Your security team are incompetent.  I visit dozens of sites daily , and thousands over the years, and NONE have ever had this problem.    Hire some AMERICANS .  You are wasting our time with this idiocy 

Same here, I use various tools but neither of those blamed are active on my firefox browser .  I think they are  being over zealous with something. 

Your programmers stink

Press and Hold them until they learn how to run a Website