Your comments

Can you please try deleting the Seeking Alpha app and installing the latest version?

Can you please try deleting the Seeking Alpha app and installing the latest version?

There is currently an issue with comments on the iPad. We are working on fixing it. Please install the next version of the app as soon as it is released.

Thank you for pointing this out. We are working on it and a fix should be available in the next app update.

Dear DAG Investments,

Thank you for pointing out the problem. We believe we have fixed it. Let us know please if this issue reoccurs.

Thank you for pointing out this printing issue. We are in the process of fixing it.

Thank you for the suggestion. We hope to implement this in the future.

Hi - Is this still not working? I not - can you please clarify whether you are seeing this on your phone or desktop? If phone - on the desktop version using your browser?  

Freddie Mac has many different symbols referring to its common and preferred stocks trading on various exchanges. Please refer to their website to familiarize with the various trading symbols:

Welcome! This column refers to the percentage move the company's stock made following earnings. For example one can see SNAP gained 24% on the day after reporting earnings.