Your comments

The link from this very Feedback page disappears, along with any other words, even before the Send button is clicked. This link WILL appear as a reply to the OP, but not in the original post.

JL, I did not mean to indicate that this was a recent issue. This has always been the case that "muted" users on Portfolio page StockTalks show up on Profile page Stocktalks. My point is they really shouldn't.

As an example, I have temporarily muted IndyPEG on the Portfolio page StockTalks, yet he appears on my Profile page StockTalk above. The mute should be on both pages, IMO.

It is refreshing in 30 seconds, much too fast, and then flooding StockTalks with "Commented on...". 

"Edit Profile" has reappeared. Thank you very much!

As of 4/9/17 @ 8:46 am, EST, and after signing off - restarting computer - and signing back on, the "Edit Profile" button still does NOT show on my Profile page.


Both would be great, but the more important would be the profile pages where one could use "filter by ticker", find the StockTalk one wants to link to, and click on the chain link icon to isolate the "post" page. Most users I know would look for a way to link a past StockTalk already knowing what ticker they, or someone else, used.

That said, a post made WITHOUT a ticker could not be found and isolated using "filter by ticker". A post without a ticker could still be found for a few days on the main StockTalk page, but after that it would become more difficult to find. Thus, it would then be more important for a user to use a ticker for ALL StockTalks, which would not be a bad thing, IMO.

So, both if possible, but link functionality on user profile pages after using "filter by ticker" is the more important.



We are now up to double digits in Up votes. Many of us feel the need for this feature. ....

I had to go to the old My Feed to get a link for that post as I mute the author and could not find it on the main StockTalks page. I hope you upgrade this suggestion from "under consideration" to the next level.



Here is a screen shot...(my first ever)...