Help us optimize our quote page menu

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Hi All,

We are currently working on improving our quote pages. One test we are running moves our menu from the center of the page to the left side (in place of the ad). This gives us more room to expose all our great content and moves all options within the reach of one click.

One of the key challenges we face is how to organize and categorize our quote page menu. We'd like to crowd source this and ask you to help us with a "Card Sorting" exercise.

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Jacob, I found a drop down menu for "News" that contains, "Latest Stocktalks," but that is generic to all stocks.

Such a generic forum  for posting notes may satisfy an ego need for the poster, but is unseen and thus worthless for individuals interested in discussing a specific stock from all of the thousands out there. 

My simple suggestion is to do what yahoo successfully accomplished for years in providing a forum for each specific stock by making it directly accessible from its own quote page.

Quote from SA Jacob Maltz

Any thoughts on using the stocktalk feature for these types of discussions?  Right now it is not so easy to find the link in the quote page, but people will get notified if there are new stocktalks on a symbol they are watching on the portfolio and home pages.  Appreciate your feedback.

Jacob, I am clueless about a "stocktalks" feature. I scanned over a quote page, and could not find any reference to "ratings" or "stocktalks" The link you provided does not work--it produces a "Yikes" error message. 

Judging by the label of "stocktalks,." that sounds like it would provide the forum mechanism I am suggesting, but right now its existence and link is a mystery.

SA Jacob Maltz
Quote from JHHAlpha

Daniel, My suggestion for organizing the quote page is likely not the kind you are looking for, but nevertheless may be useful and popular as a new feature. Years ago, the yahoo stock forums were popular, and sometimes helpful for provoking good discussions. Yahoo made some kinds of changes, and now the user forums are mainly empty.  

As of  now, for SA users to achieve any extended discussions of stocks, we post at the end (now up front) of the latest SA stock blog. The suggestion is to attach a user forum access button within the stock quote page.

Any thoughts on using the stocktalk feature for these types of discussions?  Right now it is not so easy to find the link in the quote page, but people will get notified if there are new stocktalks on a symbol they are watching on the portfolio and home pages.  Appreciate your feedback.


Daniel, My suggestion for organizing the quote page is likely not the kind you are looking for, but nevertheless may be useful and popular as a new feature. Years ago, the yahoo stock forums were popular, and sometimes helpful for provoking good discussions. Yahoo made some kinds of changes, and now the user forums are mainly empty.  

As of  now, for SA users to achieve any extended discussions of stocks, we post at the end (now up front) of the latest SA stock blog. The suggestion is to attach a user forum access button within the stock quote page.

Ralph Sesso

I wrote a book called How to Up Your ROE.

I would like to add the Cover to my profile. Can you tell me how to do that.

Ralph Sesso
