Pop up ads are killing SA

  • updated

The relentless pop-ups are terrible UX. It's going to destroy the user base.


Lots of negative feedback regarding the new format, but SA is tone deaf.

I'm guessing both traffic and revenue has declined since this new format was forced upon the readers. I now rarely visit the SA home page (I'm a subscriber to one of the contributors and so visit those pages).


I concur. I'm getting very tired of seeing the article I'm reading suddenly disappear as I'm reading it, only to be replaced by a full-page pop-up with a very dimly lit "X" to get rid of it. Dear developers, here's a hint: If I'm angrily searching for your dimly lit "x", I'm not reading your ad. Trust me on this.


Yes!  These annoying pop-ups, taking up half the screen, are an outrageous intrusion, when trying to do serious financial analysis.