Notable call not showing even as premium member

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  • Awaiting Customer Reply

On pixel 4 android. I click notable calls but the text says it's a premium feature

SA Jacob Maltz

Hi, we have a known issue that when you buy premium on desktop and the app is not reset, it does not become fully premium.  Certain things trigger a reset like following an author or adding a stock to portfolio.As a workaround,  please try one of those and if the problem doesn’t clear up please sign out of the app and sign in again.   We are working on a fix.

Quote from SA Jacob Maltz

Sorry you are seeing this issue.  Do you see the problem when you click on notable calls from the app menu, or do you see it when clicking on a notable calls headline to go into the article ?  Also, if it is the latter, do some headlines work but not others or is it all headlines ?

The notable calls sections and headline links work in the desktop website. On the android app (latest version) when I click the notable calls tab and click into the headline 3 lines of text shows instead of the article.  

- News is free at Seeking Alpha

- This post is a Notable Call. Notable Calls are a Premium feature.  

- To access this and other Notable calls, try a free trial to seeking alpha premium.

Every other premium feature works for me so far except notable calls showing the article/info. All links to headline on mobile shows the same message for me.

SA Jacob Maltz
  • Awaiting Customer Reply

Sorry you are seeing this issue.  Do you see the problem when you click on notable calls from the app menu, or do you see it when clicking on a notable calls headline to go into the article ?  Also, if it is the latter, do some headlines work but not others or is it all headlines ?