I am being prompted to verify my email to respond to comments when I have been a member for a year already

  • updated
  • Under review

I use the Seeking Alpha app and I AM logged in to it to. My name is on the top showing my account tracking stats but when I go to ANY topic to either like a comment or leave a comment a black box appears telling me I have not verified my email yet and until I do I cannot post. I have made dozens and dozens of comments in the past. Why is this happening? I did not change anything in my settings or with my email.

SA Aleksandra Eskova
Quote from MFogarty30

It sends me to the profile page of the app. It does not give me a link to verify the email for the app in any way. I can check my email through my phone like I am doing this that way now. If I had an email to verify for my phone I would simply click it and get it over with but I do not get any options to fix the issue. That is what led me to asking in here.

Dear User, I need some additional information regarding this issue, which may include your personal data. Please contact me on my e-mail aleksandra@seekingalpha.com. Thank you.


Apologies for the continuing issues here. We will get this sorted for you ASAP.


It sends me to the profile page of the app. It does not give me a link to verify the email for the app in any way. I can check my email through my phone like I am doing this that way now. If I had an email to verify for my phone I would simply click it and get it over with but I do not get any options to fix the issue. That is what led me to asking in here.



what happens when you click on "Please verify your email by clicking here"? We have not actually verified your email via the android app yet so if we can just have you do that quickly, you will not be inconvenienced again.



It does not let me continue to like or comment on any posts any more. Not until I can verify my already registered email

Quote from SA Admin Jonathan Liss


We have always required email verification on our other platforms. We have now extended this to our Android App as well. It's a 30 second 1-time process. Please reach out with any further questions on this matter.


I have verified my account. Doing it wasn't an issue. I did it a long time ago. I get the notifications from the app that I AM logged into with my current email that you register me by at SA yet I get a black boxed message saying to verify my email. It was verified. I have not ever gotten another "Please verify your email by clicking here" or any email type of notification allowing me to be re-verified. Why do I have to re-verify on something I use EVERY day and have for the last year?

SA Admin Jonathan Liss
  • Under review


We have always required email verification on our other platforms. We have now extended this to our Android App as well. It's a 30 second 1-time process. Please reach out with any further questions on this matter.
