The Earnings chart shows the wrong year (2021 instead of 2020)

  • updated


1. go to any stock page using desktop website. I used "TGT"

2. select "Earnings"

3. look at the section "EPS Surprise & Estimates by Quaarter"

4. observe it shows "Actual" data for "FQ4 2020", "FQ1 2021", "FQ2 2021", "FQ3 2021", and the next "Actual" data missing is "FQ4 2021".


4. the "Actual" data should say "FQ4 2019", "FQ1 2020", ...  Unless SA somehow is looking into the future and reporting "Actual" data from 2021.


The bug here may be related to the fact that we are now in 2021, and the code incorrectly is displaying the last year of data using the "CurrentYear" variable.

Cannot test this bug on the mobile app, since the mobile app is unfortunately still missing the Earnings screen. That's another issue.


seeking Alpha is going out of business so they are trying to scam their users with false information 


The data looks correct - it exactly matches the earnings numbers on Yahoo Finance - it just has the wrong year: it should say "2020" not "2021".