Why are your pages loading slow and slower? Are you working on the problem?

  • updated
  • Under review
Duplicates 4
Why so slow to load, any other finance site is three times as fast.
Slow app

The download of the app is incredibly slow

Not sure where to find latest version of app. Or if the turtle mode is on purpose so you buy the premium subscription
Is anyone else experienncing slow loading of the app on ipad?

My app loads very slowly as of late on my ipad.


having  same problem, just about to dump this site, can't tell you the time I have wasted waiting for anything to load.

SA Admin Kushal Mehrotra
  • Under review

Thanks for the feedback, we're looking into the issue.

Kushal Mehrotra
Data QA Analyst


Completely agree.  Long time member and it's very frustrating to wait and wait for pages to totally load.  It's almost unusable.  You put too much stuff on each page.  I'm using SA less and less because of it. 


I really don't mind using this site, but when I can load yahoo finance in a third the time to search company info, what is the point? Are you really checking into this matter?

G Bruce

slow on android