Guidelines for comments/clarification

  • updated

I'm informed by the author of this article ( that the following comment was removed by 'SA moderators' and not by the author/s:

Author's comment in article:

[...] even the gentle and kind Canadians are seeing truckers shutting down their capital and blockading their major border crossings due to governmental overreach.[...]

And my comment on above:

GiveSendGo has raised some $9 million for the “Freedom Convoy” and via the site’s “Adopt a Trucker” program. The site also encourages protesting against vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 precautions at the U.S.-Canadian border. GiveSendGo has raised money for several far-right causes, and even for violent organizations, including the extremist Proud Boys, which is classified as a “terrorist” organization in Canada.

These are not Canadians.

And the response by one of the author's partners:

[...]Ask SA moderators why they deleted your comment. Again, HDO doesn't
delete comments (and has no power to do so). Your comment was deleted
because the SA Moderators determined it violated the rules.[...]

Since this is the closest I can seem to get to these elusive 'SA moderators' I thought I'd have a bash here. Simply trying to learn the ropes vis a vis comments.




SA Sucks

Quote from SamHain31

That's Pen and Phil's favorite game.  Rida's boys frequently report comments for deletion, then say, "We did not delete your comments. We have no power to personally delete comments."
I linked to a screenshot of one of Pen's false claims, so he reported his own words for deletion, and got me banned.  HDO has no investing acumen or honor, and by protecting them, SA implicates themselves.

Thanks for the confirmation. It's nice to know that sometimes, even if you're paranoid, there IS someone out to get you.

Thanks again, SamHain.



That's Pen and Phil's favorite game.  Rida's boys frequently report comments for deletion, then say, "We did not delete your comments. We have no power to personally delete comments."
I linked to a screenshot of one of Pen's false claims, so he reported his own words for deletion, and got me banned.  HDO has no investing acumen or honor, and by protecting them, SA implicates themselves.