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Not getting any emails from subscribed, alerts and authors. I have in my contacts as safe site. Can you help

Email Alerts

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SA Admin Shubham Shresth
  • Answer

@a neuffer - I have reactivated your mail. Reason being the same that the emails were blocked due to an error from your email service provider. I have cleared the bounces permanently, and you should start receiving the alerts soon.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

SA Admin Shubham Shresth
  • Answered

Hi there,

The emails to you were blocked due to an error from your email service provider. I have cleared the bounces permanently, and you should start receiving the alerts soon.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

a neuffer

SA Admin Shubham Shresth

I would be ever so grateful if you would provide the the same service to my account.

Since August 1, all I am receiving are blog and Feedback Forum emails.

Thank you.

SA Admin Shubham Shresth
  • Answer

@a neuffer - I have reactivated your mail. Reason being the same that the emails were blocked due to an error from your email service provider. I have cleared the bounces permanently, and you should start receiving the alerts soon.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

a neuffer
Quote from SA Admin Shubham Shresth

@a neuffer - I have reactivated your mail. Reason being the same that the emails were blocked due to an error from your email service provider. I have cleared the bounces permanently, and you should start receiving the alerts soon.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

Thank you so much. My email is arriving again.