My emails from SA have stopped. Please start sending them again.

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Email Alerts

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SA Admin Shubham Shresth
  • Answer

Hi stevebaile and strategy17,

The issue was with the bounce as mentioned for another user above. It has been cleared and the emails should be flowing in now.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

Quote from SA Admin Shubham Shresth

Hi there,

The issue was again with the bounce. Emails can also stop sending due to a bounce we received from your email provider or if you accidentally reported our emails as spam. We must obey the message from your provider due to spam regulations and we freeze your emails.

The bounces are cleared now.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

Thank you!


Mine have been restarted. Thank you. My recommendation is that you add a toggle to the account profile so that customers can turn their own streams back on whenever this happens since it seems to be a common event. Another option is to add a toggle to the profile that allows anyone with an account to request that spam notifications be ignored - like a super opt in.

SA Admin Shubham Shresth
  • Answer

Hi stevebaile and strategy17,

The issue was with the bounce as mentioned for another user above. It has been cleared and the emails should be flowing in now.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


Mine have stopped too (about a week ago).  I check my address book and your url is there.  Would you please restart my emails? Thanks.


Mine have also stopped. Can you restart mine as well?

SA Admin Shubham Shresth
  • Answered

Hi there,

The issue was again with the bounce. Emails can also stop sending due to a bounce we received from your email provider or if you accidentally reported our emails as spam. We must obey the message from your provider due to spam regulations and we freeze your emails.

The bounces are cleared now.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha