You need to reduce the band width of your page ads. Every time I come on the SA page the fans on my computer start running like mad. This is incompetent page design. Find someone who knows what they are doing.

  • updated
  • Under review

Yes.   Your ads are intrusive.   Just get rid of the animation and video . Its killing my computer performance and really really is annoying to look at too.   


Thanks for the quick reply. We will include FF in our investigation.

Durwood Dugger

I'm using the latest version of FireFox on a late 2013 MacBookPro 15" running OSX10.10.3.


Again, apologies for the issues here. We feel we have isolated a few 3rd party ad scripts that are causing serious memory spike issues on IE and Edge. What browsers have ya'll been experiencing these issues on? We'd like to confirm the issues really are primarily on IE and Edge and not other browsers but if they are, we'll keep plugging away until we get to the bottom of this and resolve all issues.


As I said before, this is not a widespread issue among all users, so in order to investigate we need to do a screenshare with you. If you are willing to help us for 10 minutes in order to investigate, please email to setup a time.

Durwood Dugger
Quote from LarryMelman

It is quite common whenever I open multiple articles, each in its own browser tab, that my computer slows to a halt and I end up having to nuke the browser. Each tab is furiously contacting countless other sites. I have no idea what most of them are, I imagine they are all trackers and ad sites and etc. It really is absurd.

Only two tabs open - the SA tab and a link to an article in the SA article.

Durwood Dugger

Please fix your add band width consumption.


It is quite common whenever I open multiple articles, each in its own browser tab, that my computer slows to a halt and I end up having to nuke the browser. Each tab is furiously contacting countless other sites. I have no idea what most of them are, I imagine they are all trackers and ad sites and etc. It really is absurd.

  • Under review


We would love to do a screenshare with anyone experiencing performance issues (specifically with Seeking Alpha). Please post here and we will reach out to you.



Durwood Dugger
Quote from Buckoux

The web-designer's don't know that computer's have cooling fans

In all fairness to programmers and page designers, advertising/marketing decisions generally have higher priorities so advertising sales are up, functionality and client positive experience is down. Ultimately, consumer dissatisfaction eventually works it's way to advertisers - by then the consumer has moved on to more functionally competitive products.