Keep getting "press and hold" pop up blocks

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I keep getting pop ups when browsing the website that say "press and hold" to verify. I am not a bot, I just open lots of tabs to read through financials, analysis, and other metrics at once. Please fix this for me, it makes the site very unusable and disrupts my thought process when I have to wait 5-10 seconds everytime I open a new SA tab.

Shareholders Unite

IT IS THE MOST F** IRRITATING FEATURE I EVER EXPERIENCED ON ANY WEBSITE ANYWHERE. It doesn't even work! I press and hold until blue in the face but all that happens is that my CPU starts running at 100% and I still can't enter. MULTIPLE TIMES. It happens frequently, I have to restart the computer. It's so irritating that I get an urge to bang my computer. Whoever invented this, well, I have a few choice words for that person.