Earnings RSS Feed for blue chips to short online

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Hi there, I'm using the rss feed of the earnings because it's quite accurate filtering via ifttt. But I noticed that the feed is either not updated on time of the data release or it's to short listed in the rss feed. OK, I know rss is out of time and nearly nobody is using it anymore but for those who are still on it like me (still using my old reuters feeds) it would be nice to get this feature by seeking alpha into the pipeline. 

SA Jacob Maltz
  • Started

New items in the feed should be accessible as soon as they are released on Seeking Alpha  (With maybe a 10 minute cache).   What URL are you using ?  It would help if you provided a specific example of an earnings item that appeared on the website but was not included in the feed e.g. after a half hour.

Tyler Deluxe


all I noticed after the release either it's not in this feed or maybe it was in the feed but the history ist to small, look in a few minutes for Exxon & Chevron

Tyler Deluxe

or right now, earnings for GM, they are not in the feed but here is the post https://seekingalpha.com/news/3485289-gm-plus-3-percent-solid-quarter