I can't sign in.

  • updated

I can not sign in.  Your page says check my email. I don't have a sign in email from you--not even when I check all the folders available directly from Comcast instead of going through Outlook. Nothing is lost in a spam or junk folder.  Your screen then says:  There is already a registration in progress for this email, if you did not receive the confirmation email, please ask your IT department or email provider to place seekingalpha.com in the whitelist and try to register again.  Stock alert email from you came in fine today but I can't read it because I can't sign in.  I did use it to add your domain to my Outlook whitelist and tried to re-register.  Now I get this:  "Too many login attempts have been made with an incorrect password. Please press "Forgot your password?" to reset your password". And then I get this under forgot my password:  Email address not found, please try again!   Seeking Alpha both has blocked me from signing in as a new member with my email address because "registration is in progress", and blocked me from signing in as an old member because it now says it can't "find" my email address.  The day prior I got rid of all my cookies. Unfortunately, I am my IT person and I have no clue what else to try. The circle appears to be closed with no way forward.


Problem resolved.  Must have Microsoft Connectivity enabled to get the log-in email.