Forced sign-on

  • updated

Please do not force users to sign-on when they attempt to view an article on SA. In addition to SA, I use finviz to scan the financial news, and when I select a link on finviz that points to an article on SA, within seconds, SA now forces me to sign-on. Many times, I just want to scan the first paragraph, and then decide if I want to read the whole article. Having to sign-on under those circumstances is annoying and time wasting. I use my desktop exclusively for all of this, I rarely, if ever, use a mobile device.

Ed Lee

Obviously, you do not value your users' opinions. The configuration of your web site still forces users to sign-on even when they visit for less than a minute. You know, I was one of the first 500,000 users to establish an account on SA. But, apparently loyalty doesn't count for anything.