Unable to Edit new comments.

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Today, I submitted 2 new comments at different times.  In both cases, I wanted to edit the comments, so I pressed Edit Comment  at the bottom of my posted comment. 

Instead of bringing up the Edit box, which usually happens for an edit, the screen sent me to the top of the article. 

This same thing happened after multiple tries to edit my new comments and for two different comments submitted at different times.

I've edited many of my comments in the past as well as just yesterday without this new problem.

Here's the article I tried to edit a new comment in. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4326209-2-reasons-why-i-just-bought-ibm

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SA Jacob Maltz
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We will check why it stopped working, for now, we support unlimited editing and deleting of your comments in the mobile web, please log in on your phone and try it.

SA Jacob Maltz
  • Answer
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We will check why it stopped working, for now, we support unlimited editing and deleting of your comments in the mobile web, please log in on your phone and try it.

User 53147

The problem appears to be fixed. 

This morning (my time), I added a comment to the same article via the website. I was then able to edit it, as before the problem.

Thanks for the quick response.


it is not working for all articles,  seems to work on regular articles and news bulletins to edit but not Blogs 


I am having the same problem today...previouly editing coments on SA was no problem. Now, the only two options are "Copy Link" or "Delete Comment"