European and Asian Sock Exchanges

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Any plans to add European and Asian stock exchanges to your analysis

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SA Admin Shubham Shresth
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As of now, Seeking Alpha supports market data for only US-listed Securities. We're in the process of introducing support for other regions. But unfortunately, I cannot provide an ETA on the same.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


I second Mr Owly.  I am (was?) planning to port my portfolios from Yahoo to SA.  I created successfully my US portfolio, and are now stuck with Euro and Ukrainian (yes, I have Ukrainian stocks, listed in Warsaw, LSE, Paris, and the German exchanges).  Why?  Because I think SA offers more ... however I learned for US stocks only.  So, currently that's a show stopper.

Mr. Owly

The longer SA wait with this the more business it looses. Many customers are not convinced to pay for SA becasue typically if you nare not from USA, big chunk of your portfolio is in European/ Asian stocks. and that is unfortunatelly not covered by SA

SA Admin Shubham Shresth
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As of now, Seeking Alpha supports market data for only US-listed Securities. We're in the process of introducing support for other regions. But unfortunately, I cannot provide an ETA on the same.

Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out in case further assistance is required.

Shubham Shresth
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha