Automatic email alerts does not work right

  • updated
  • Under review

Have written about this before. Still no change or fix. 

I add a new stock to a portfolio. The box comes
up saying it is added to email alerts... but it does not happen. I check
the list under my portfolio and continually have to check them again to
be sure it is set right. This keeps happening. Happens when using pc website, chromebook and android.


In response, they don't disappear. They are in the portfolio but no check mark for email alerts when I go to see if it worked the following day. This is after adding them and the automatic box comes up saying they are now added. They are not. They are big name stocks, no penny stocks or oddities. The auto add email alerts is not functioning consistently. I have written this before when it happened but it is still funky. Using the site on pc, android and chromebook. Makes no difference. Inconsistent.

SA Admin Amitai Richman
  • Under review

Hi - can you please clarify what exactly is not working? Are you adding email alerts but not getting them or are setting alerts for stocks and then coming back later and finding the alerts not set? If so can you please specify which stocks you are setting alerts and then they disappear.