When are the new individual company financials going become executable?

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There were some issues with the financials previously provided by FactSet Research Systems.  It appears that the switch in data providers has been made but nothing can be done with the data when downloaded.  All the data has suffixes attached so that no math operations can be performed.  For example, I can't calculate ROE's, fair value, etc.  I keep waiting for some formatting to be done on SA's end so that the data can be downloaded and analyzed, but nothing's been happening.  It's been this way for 2-3 weeks, it seems.

SA Admin Amitai Richman
  • Planned

Thank you Random Logic for the comment, wish you had alerted us to it earlier. Yes we have switched data providers and this is one of the consequences. You are correct, we'll fix it, but would appreciate a little more patience until it is done.  

If you have any other comments or feedback about the new data set please let us know.

Random Logic

Sounds good.

SA Admin Amitai Richman
  • Completed

We have updated the formatting of the excel download of financial statements so that you can do formulas with the data.