Notifications Backwards still!!!

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Galaxy s9.  the last notification displays on the bottom of the list.  this is making the app UNUSABLE!!  Please fix the order.  last notification FIRST.  Thanks!!

rob eisen

Hi has this been addressed yet?



SA Aleksandra Eskova

Lower case problem is also known and will be fixed as well. Currently development is finished and passed to testing. First it will be released to beta to minimize bugs on production. So, Users rewievs are really helpful in discovering bugs. Thank you for your input. As a round way, have you tried cleaning notifications often to let only new ones show up?


And while we're at it, the fact that the stock tickers appear in all-lowercase instead of all-uppercase in notifications is also annoying

rob eisen

Thanks.  any idea when that new veriosn will be put into production?

SA Dave Schechter (old)
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Hi Rob and Ravi,

Thanks for your messages.

Our engineers are looking into it now and I'll post as soon as I have an update.

Thank you for your patience in this regard,



Agreed...the problem is that there's not enough people complaining about this to get their attention

SA Aleksandra Eskova
  • Planned


This is a known issue for current version in google play. We are preparing a fully redesigned version that’s why it took so much time. Sorry for any inconvenience caused, it will be fixed in the nearest version. 

Thank you. 

rob eisen

I haven't had any notifications yet today but will advise. but the version I installed was the same as before.   so guessing it's going to be the same problem.  It's beyond annoying.  almost better to shut notifications off.   this should be a very simple fix....just reverse the order.  newest on on top!  thanks.


Hi Dave, this is NOT fixed by any means...please read my comment above from yesterday...this is an Android-wide problem...I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling several times since the latest update...the notifications are indeed STILL was not fixed in the latest update... please have a look into it

SA Dave Schechter (old)
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