Your comments


It seems that we are having an issue with our article tagging.

We are currently looking into it and we apologize greatly for the inconvenience.


Thank you for your feedback.

Unfortunately we do not currently support this feature, but we will consider adding it in the future.

We encourage other users to up-vote or comment on this thread to help us prioritize which features we build.


Thank you for your feedback.

Some of the ads have a small 'X' on their upper right side.

When you click the 'X' you get the option to block that specific ad.

If you wish to use adblocker on seekingalpha, you can purchase our adblocker enabled service for 9.99/month.

You can install an adblocker and you will be prompted to purchase a subscription.


According to our databases we are sending you one copy of each email. There are several possible explanations as to what is happening:

1) You have multiple accounts sending you emails to the same device.

2) There is a bug in your email viewer.

3) There is a bug in our systems.

Could you please send a screenshot of the multiple messages you are receiving to

That way we can further narrow down the possibilities.

Thank you,
