Your comments

Site has become useless. Can't even read my monthly limit as the damned popups block all the articles. Not interested in the free trial as I'm reading too many complaints from people trying to get money back from what was supposed to be a free trial. Went from a great investor community site to this ad nightmare

Bloody ridiculous and overpriced idea. $2.99 might have worked. Been on here for a few years and I've found a few bits of advice worth heeding but you had to read a lot of dross to find them! Counting simple news like div payouts against the free cap is also ridiculous and 5/month is utterly ridiculous. On average I'd say I skim about 12 articles to find one worth looking in to. To be honest the comments are generally more valuable (nothing against the authors but we all have different risk profiles, needs, weights, etc) and I'm sure they are not getting paid. In fact you are trying to charge them for coming on to comment. You don't just shoot yourself in the foot do you? You go for the whole damn leg!!