Financials / overview page

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The dividends section is missing on the financials / overview page.  And where the hell is the calendar on the momentum page?  You guys are really improving your website all to hell.  I used to be happy here.  Do you know any good websites to track stocks - because I'm looking for one as good as seeking alpha used to be.  

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BRING BACK THE CALENDAR ON THE MOMENTUM PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The removal of the calendar from the momentum page is unforgivable.  It was by far the best feature of SA.  I can no longer input my own start and end dates for tracking and researching investments.  I can't look at my investment or ideas and get a quick graphic of how it has done against the S&P since my date of purchase or check historical performance of a company using my own start and end dates anymore.  You really FU**ED this up bad.  VERY UNHAPPY.  I used to love SA and recommend to all my friends, not any more unless you change it back.  

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SA Admin Kushal Mehrotra
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Dividends can be found under the 'dividends tab' on the symbol page.

I'm not sure which calendar on the momentum page you're referring to, so allow me some time to check back with our team.

Kushal Mehrotra
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha


Thanks for the feedback, I'll relay the same to our product team.

Kushal Mehrotra
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

Quote from SA Admin Kushal Mehrotra


Dividends can be found under the 'dividends tab' on the symbol page.

I'm not sure which calendar on the momentum page you're referring to, so allow me some time to check back with our team.

Kushal Mehrotra
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha

The calendar that I'm referring to allowed us to input any date between approximately 2006 (I assume it backdated 15  years) to present and get a nice - noise free - easy to read - graph of the performance of a given ticker and the S&P.  For example input ADBE and I want to see it's performance from - say - 03-19-2015 to 12-31-20 and compare that to the S&P, DJIA, AAPL, CRM and MSFT (or others).  The calendar was found on all of the graphs on the momentum page in the upper right hand corner next to the 1 year, 5 year, 10 year, Max buttons.  The calendar was a drop down box.

The one I liked to use the most was on the TOTAL RETURN VS S&P TOTAL RETURN graph.  

This feature was also unbelievably useful (and noise free) when charting the performance of a portfolio for a given year (or any time frame that you wanted).  A stock portfolio of say 15 stocks could be tracked beautifully for calendar (or fiscal) year by inputing a stock for any start and end dates that you may want and then adding your other stocks as comparison tickers.  

15 is probably too many for one chart but can be done on two or more.  This allowed a beautiful noise free graphic of how all of your investments did over any recent time frame you may have wanted, compared to anything else that you wanted to benchmark it against.  


I could with only a couple of sheets of paper print out graphs that showed how all of my investments did vs benchmark for any time frame I wanted.  Incredibly useful for year end reviews.  

SA used to have THE VERY BEST tools available to us - the small investor, way better than nasdaq, yahoo, morning stat and all the rest.  Why would you change that? 

Please bring this feature back, really don't want to look elsewhere for tools as good as SA used to have. 

SA Admin Kushal Mehrotra
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Dividends can be found under the 'dividends tab' on the symbol page.

I'm not sure which calendar on the momentum page you're referring to, so allow me some time to check back with our team.

Kushal Mehrotra
Data QA Analyst, Seeking Alpha